Life On the Road


The Magic of Cappadocia in the Winter

Van life in Turkey is slowly coming to an end, so we thought we'd squeeze one last adventure in before we leave. An adventure that takes us 11 hours in the opposite direction, into freezing temperatures and snowstorms! And we convinced our friends Philly and Keely to join us for the ride. Can Martha and Sophia handle the -12 nights?

Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey
Experiencing Cappadocia in the winter - winter vanlife in Turkey